With this list, we endeavor to build a permanent record of the many camp facilities made possible through the generosity of committed donors. Recognizing that Camp Ramah in California has moved from its original site and that the use of various camp facilities has changed over time, we realize there may be some errors or omissions. We hope that you will help in our efforts by notifying us of additions, corrections, or changes that should be made to the permanent record.
To make a gift or name a space, please contact development@ramah.org
Albert Observatory
in memory of David Lawrence Albert
Jeff Astor Foundation Volleyball Court
in memory of Jeff Astor
Ballonoff Aron Hakodesh
in memory of Rabbi Martin A. Ballonoff
Bassan Heiser Lodge
Belzer Bunk Renovations
Beren Athletic Facility
Beren Family Parking Space
Robert M. Beren Tennis Center
in honor of his children & grandchildren & his sister, Lela Beren Jacoby & her children & grandchildren
Berg Commons
in honor of Al & Bess Berg
Golden-Berkley Family Shade Sail
Handball Court
in memory of Ilan Gabriel Biederman
Ma’agal Ilan
in memory of Ilan Gabriel Biederman
Braun Solar Facilities
Bressman Family Benches
Linda & Michael Camras Family Bench in memory of Lilian & Erwin Camras
Rabbi Micah Caplan z’l Makom Mifgash
Cohen-Farber-Lavender Families Solar Pool Heating
Cole Family Outdoor Sanctuary
Cooper Family Stairs
Deutsch-Kurland-Weiner Friendship Circle
Deutsch Boys’ Showers
Rechov Deutsch
Dorff-Nelson Kikar Tzion Outdoor Sanctuary
in memory of Edith Judith Nelson
Elaine & Leo Dozoretz Prayer Area
Sunny & Harold Easton Prayer Area
Sidney Eichenbaum Soccer Field
Familian-Smalley Swimming Pool Facility
in memory of Sunny & Isadore Familian
Janet and Jake Farber Campgrounds
Farber Baseball Field
Feinstein Plaza
Federman Hersh Administration Building
Fingerhut Chapel
Flax Art Center
Friedland Lodge
Friedman Library
in memory of Jack Lubeck
Friendship Benches
in honor of Tara & Jay Reisbaum, Sandi & Avi Schlesinger and Marci & Andrew Spitzer
Friday Night Group Bench
Vicki Frindell Room for Medical Care
Gesher Beit Knesset – Dalia and Daniel Farkas, Susan and David Farkas, Grinspoon Institute of Jewish Philanthropy, Rosalyn Gruen, Joyce and Ronald Levine, Fredi and Joel Rembaum, Wendy and Allan Rosenthal, Lois and Moshe Rothblum, and many more generous Camp Ramah alumni from the 1950’s – 1960’s
Ner Tamid
given by the Gilberg and Lenz Families
Gilbert Basketball Benches
in memory of Dr. Spencer Gilbert
Gindi Chadar Ochel
Leone & Marvin Golden Prayer Area
Gonda Family Foundation Director’s Office
Milton & Sandy Gordon & Family Prayer Area
Helene & Albert Greenfield Prayer Area
Greyber Family Bench
Greyber Family Retreat Center Suite
Hyman Kikar Lil
Jacoby Family Amphitheatre
Lela & Dr. Norman Jacoby Prayer Area
Janks Family Pool Slide Landing Area
Jefferson Health Center Ward
in honor of Irene, Elizabeth & Alexander Jefferson
Charlotte & Dr. Edward Kamenir Prayer Area
Kasirer Family Beit Midrash & Torah
Kitah Table
in memory of Dolores D. Kaye
Herman H. Kaye Medical Center
Kitchen Renovation
given by the Farber, Gindi & Miller Families and the Martin F. Witkin Charitable Trust
Labowe Bunks
Sara & Simha Lainer Prayer Area
Alon Binyamin
in memory of Ben J. Lax
Marp Suite
in memory of the parents of Allan & Mary Lazaroff
Lazaroff Camper Residence
Leibovic Family Kitah Table
in honor of Tova,Talia & Tori Leibovic
Aaron & Sheila Leibovic Family Pool
Sheila & Aaron Leibovic Bench
in memory of Dorothy & Richard Butler, Zahava & Baruch Leibovic, and Dr. Margaret & Richard Davis
Leibovic Family Pool Slide
Shirley & Ted Levine Basketball Court
in memory of Ted Levine
Irene & Howard Levine Family Retreat Center
Levine Garden Patio
in memory of Phillip M. & Beatrice Levine
Levine Canteen
David & Esther Lieber Dining Hall
Lincoff Nurse’s Office
Rechov Lincoff
Adam Lipton Bunk Play Area
Benjamin Lowy Remote Campground Trail
Makom Nefesh
in memory of Max and Sylvie Levine and Bernard and Evelyn Snyder, given by Allyn, Jeff, Deborah and Lauren Levine
Nuritt & Elie Mechaly Canteen
Meskin Family Kitah Table
Meskin Family Full Perimeter Trail Loop
Meskin Family Ropes Course
Miller Bunks
in honor of the grandchildren of Judith & Louis G. Miller
Miller Bunks
in memory of Sally & Meyer Miller
Judith & Louis Miller Gazebo
Mount Sinai Memorial Park Reading Room
Evelyn & Seymour Neuman Prayer Area
Nessim Family Pool Deck
Jack and Bel Ostrow Executive Dining Room
Evelyn & John Pennish Prayer Area
Platt Family Dance Patio
in honor of Samantha, Jonah, Hannah, Benjamin & Henry Platt
Platt Family Parking Space
Marjorie & Herman Platt Prayer Area
Bea & Fred Reynolds Prayer Area
Robin Camper Residence
given by M. Harvey & Jean Powell
Rochlin Camper Residence
Original Tennis Court Facility
in memory of “Mikey”– Michael Lawrence Roston
Salkin Family Tree House & Trail
Janet & Maxwell H. Salter Prayer Area
Helen & Raymond Sandler Prayer Area
Schlessinger Family Gaga Court
Schlessinger Family Kitah Table
Schlessinger Family Shade Sail
Schneider Family Gan
in honor of Cheyenne, Evan & Ivy Schneider
Rechov Schneider
Vera & Abraham A. Schnierow Prayer Area
Schulman Nurse’s Office
Rechov Selter
Rechov Shalom
in memory of Dr. S. Salem Fabe by Brenda Fabe & Michael Adler
Silverman Doctor’s Suite Ezra Dormitory Suite
in memory of Lana Berke Silverman
Flora & Arnold Skovron Prayer Area
Bea & Sam Smotrich Prayer Area
Dr. Jacob Sokol Memorial
Spitzer Cheder Bishul Spiwak-Baran Staff Lounge
Giborei Yisrael Beit Knesset
in memory of Jacob Hillel Stern
Scott Stone Activity Field
in memory of Scott Noah Stone
Stone Family Ezra Program Dormitory
Esther Strimling Prayer Area
Tenenblatt Family Pool Slide
Tikvah Beit Knesset given by Sandy Gordon
Waterman Family Parking Space
Evelyn & Seymour Waterman Prayer Area
Flag Circle in memory of Jerry L. Weber
Weiner–Finkelstein–Taff Family Beit Yaacov
in memory of Jack A. Finkelstein and in honor of Irving & Lillian Weiner & Kitty Finkelstein
Weiner–Finkelstein–Taff Family Parking Space
Whizin Building
Whizin Rose Garden and Entry
Wolens Family Shade Sail
Ruth & Allen Ziegler Bakery
Ziegler Camper Residence
Ziegler Hall
Max & Pauline Zimmer Conference Center