Shayna and Victoria’s reflections on Argentina

Shayna Goldstein and Victoria Ginzburg  |   2 Jan 2020

As part of the Maslul Fellowship, a new leadership initiative for staff returning for their third year, fellows chose between two immersive international experiences. In Argentina, the fellows served as an ‘American Mishlachat’ and had the chance to learn about The Argentinian Jewish community and share some of the Ramah magic we create each summer with the two camps we visited in Argentina.

Hi, it’s Victoria and Shayna, writing to you from a bus in Argentina. Currently we are leaving Camp Noam and heading to Shomer HaTzair. What an incredible and transformative hizdamnut (opportunity) Ramah Maslul had been so far. It’s so interesting to see the cultural differences between our two camps and to also see how camp culture is so universal. One of our favorite memories was Kabbalat Shabbat with a community called Beit Hillel. Their tunes although unfamiliar were as lively and meaning as our machaneh. It was has been difficult to communicate to all the chanichim and madrichim but we have pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone to form connection that go beyond our language barrier. If anything this trip so far just makes us miss being at camp even more. It’s exciting to imagine what we will be able to bring back with us this Kayitz. Thank you so much for this opportunity. We can’t wait to share more when the journey has ended.

חג שמח

Shayna and Victoria

As I sit on my plane departing Argentina and heading back to San Francisco I feel very content and grateful. What a wonderful adventure these past 10 days have been as apart of the Maslul trip to Argentina. Having the opportunity to build relationships with new Ramahniks, tzevet and chanichim in Argentina at the different Machanot and seeing Jewish life in a new country was such an incredible experience. It was so touching to see that no matter where one goes the impact Jewish summer camp has on someone is still so deep. I also loved seeing that no matter where in the world tzevet will continue to be caring, silly and full of ruach.

Not only did I create new community and friends I plan to stay in touch with for a while I also was able to find peulot, t’fillah tunes and traditions that I want to bring back to Ojai this kayitz. I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of the Ramah community that continues to support and push me to be a better Jewish leader. Thank you this incredible opportunity. I can’t wait to continue to share all that I have learned with my tzevet, chanichim and family. This is a trip that’s impact will last with me for a long time. 



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